Drilling down – What is the true business of business? – Part 3

Does it matter what industry we enter?

We have a choice in what type of work we do. There is a myriad of different industries we can enter. Some require further education, some do not, some involve producing goods for others to use, and others provide a service. But all of them have something very important in common – they provide something for people.

In the second part of our series on The True Business of Business, we looked at what matters in building a business (of any description), and we said that it all comes down to quality. We also looked at what is the real deal as opposed to a looks-good-pretender, and we noted that we all do actually know, and can discern, the difference.

Whatever industry we enter, that is our choice and every service provided across our society (obviously apart from the harming things people engage in) is playing its part in the societal whole. Each one of them has value and should be regarded and appreciated as such, by all of us.

So we can enter whatever industry we choose to – from a trade to a professorship, whatever we choose to do. But what matters is the quality we bring to that industry.

At Evolve College, we care deeply about the quality of experience our students have with us, because we know that that directly helps set up the quality of worker they become when entering their chosen industry.

Shouldn’t all education be shaped and premised on the fact that every industry is about people? All business is about people – so we should be educating and sending people into the industry in a manner that prepares them, in turn, to look after those who come into their care (or receive their services, whatever they might be).

Whatever you study and/or whatever field you enter, it is all the same, in the end, as to what really matters.

It all comes down to the quality you offer to those you provide your business to. And hence, the primary focus and reason of any business (if it is to be truly successful and truly contribute to our shared society) is people, and the quality provided to them.

That – is the added ingredient, that we can choose, on top of all the skills and knowledge we learn and acquire – to really make a difference and offer something of true value, in whatever industry we enter. Whether we do so or not, comes down to how committed we are to bringing something of value to this world we all live in and share.

But look out carefully for the imposters, as discussed in Part 2 of this series. We are talking here about the real deal, not a looks-good pretender.

In the final part of this series, we look at how we are all part of something much bigger – i.e. the society we share – and we all share in the cumulative effect of that.


This article was first published in Evolve College News.

Published by

Serryn O'Regan

Serryn O'Regan is Executive Manager Governance and General Counsel at Evolve College.

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